Raise a Concern

Speaking up about any concern you have at work is really important. In fact, it’s vital because it will help us to keep improving our services for all patients and the working environment for our staff. You can raise a concern about risk, malpractice or wrongdoing you think is harming the service we deliver.

Please be ready to explain as fully as you can the information and circumstances that gave rise to your concern. Do not wait for proof. We would like you to raise the matter while it is still a concern. It does not matter if you turn out to be mistaken as long as you are genuinely troubled.


An asterisk ( ) indicates that a certain field is mandatory/required.

Your Personal Details

How would you like to raise your concern?

You are willing to give your name and contact details to the guardian, but you do not want your identity disclosed to anyone else without your consent.

You do not wish to give your name to the guardian. This can make it more difficult to investigate your concern thoroughly or give you feedback on the outcome.

Concern Details

Have you or someone else already raised this concern through our Datix system or the Ask Brendan button on the intranet?